The joy of crochet / VirkglÀdje
If someone would have told me a few years ago that someday I would start to crochet, I would never have believed them. I never really understood how people could find book reading or handcraft so relaxing, but I did envy them for it. I was more of the training type of person. But, you should never say never and not stop learning more about yourself. You can have more aptitudes then you realise. They can be well hidden and never tried. So this Christmas, after becoming interested, I was taught to crochet and I have been hooked đ ever since. I continued on my own with help from Youtube clips. They make it easy to just stop and try yourself at your own speed. I have since then crocheted granny squares and flowers and other techniques and I'm still appreciating the fun of being more creative. Crochet is so much more than a hobby. It is pure mindfulness. It has something to do with using your hands, just like cooking and gardening. You become calm and focused. I even heard that crochet...
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