Love comes in all sizes / Kärlek kommer i alla storlekar

A couple of months ago we ended up with a hamster, not at all planned, but as the quote says "Desperate times...". One weekend we went to a local pet shop just to have a look at some pets, we thought it would cheer us up a bit in these times. I said as a joke, if any pet comes running towards us, then it is a sign. And there he was, this little crazy five weeks old hamster, desperate for attention. So we chose him or he chose us. And he has now been a part of our family for three months and who knew that one small creature could bring so much love. He is a very tame and very curious hamster and I just must cuddle with him every day. As for any pet, I guess, they bring a mindful presence when spending time with them. They let you have that daily time with a soft, furry friend that gives joy and love no matter what is going on in your world. 🙏 För ett par månader sedan blev vi med hamster, inte alls planerat, men som citatet säger "Desperate times ...". En helg g...